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 Peringkat Dalam Forum Cumache

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Jumlah posting : 47
Points : 10799
Reputation Reputation : 456
Join date : 04.06.10
Age : 34
Lokasi : Balikpapan

Peringkat Dalam Forum Cumache Empty
PostSubyek: Peringkat Dalam Forum Cumache   Peringkat Dalam Forum Cumache Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 1:12 am

ini adalah daftar Peringkat yang ada di forum Cumache.

0 s/d 15 : Member Baru
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15 s/d 30 POST : Member Junior
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30 s/d 50 POST : Private Member
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50 s/d 65 POST : Active Member
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65 s/d 80 POST : Crown Member
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80 s/d 100 POST : Extreme Member
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100 s/d 120 POST : Extreme Member Grade 1
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120 s/d 140 POST : Extreme Member Grade 2
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140 s/d 160 POST : Extreme Member Grade 3
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160 s/d 180 POST : Extreme Member Grade 4
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180 s/d 200 POST : Extreme Member Grade 5
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200 s/d 225 POST : Extreme Member Grade 6
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225 s/d 250 POST : Extreme Member Grade 7
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250 s/d 275 POST : Royal Crown
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275 s/d 300 POST : Royal Crown Grade 1
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300 s/d 325 POST : Royal Crown Grade 2
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325 s/d 350 POST : Royal Crown Grade 3
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350 s/d 375 POST : Royal Crown Grade 4
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
375 s/d 400 POST : Royal Crown Grade 5
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400 s/d 450 POST : Royal Crown Grade 6
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500 Post Keatas : THE LEGEND MEMBER
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